Trek the Bavarian Alps 2024


We invite you to join us on our trek though the 'Bavarian Alps' adventure from 10th to 17th August through some of the most heart stopping scenery.


Event Description:

Trek the Bavarian Alps –Germany
August 10th to 17th - 2024.

Conquer the peaks, conquer the stigma!

Brace yourself for an epic journey of mind and mountain as we announce our Trek of the German Bavarian Alps for Mental Health.

Nestled in the breathtaking landscapes of Germany, this trek is not just a journey through stunning mountain scenery but a powerful stride towards mental wellness. Join fellow enthusiasts as we traverse the majestic Bavarian Alps, forging connections and raising awareness about mental health along the way. Each step brings us closer to breaking down the barriers of stigma and fostering a community of support.

Whether you're an avid hiker or new to the trail, this trek is an opportunity to challenge yourself physically and emotionally while contributing to a cause that matters. Let the serenity of the German Bavarian Alps be the backdrop to your commitment to mental health advocacy.
#MentalHealthMatters    Join the Journey


Dates: August 10th to 17th
Please note: August 10th & 17th are travel days departing Dubin Airport.

Type of Event: Mountain Trekking.
Appropriate Footwear required.

Cost: €2,300
A €200 deposit is payable on registering.  Participants are most welcome to fundraise the remaining monies. A fundraising link is automatically set up during registration)

What is included:
Return flights to Dublin.
Hotel accommodation (Twin Sharing)
Dinner, Bed & Breakfast.
Lunch, Snacks,
Branded Gear

Trek the Bavarian Alps - Saturday, August 10, 2024 - Bavarian Alps

Please enter access key to continue booking.

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