Join Jessie for a 90-minute online workshop to learn Mental Skills and Strategies for Paddling - OPEN TO ALL
Workshop 1st March at 7pm on Zoom - OPEN TO ALL
Jessie Barr OLY - Performance Psychologist at the Sport Ireland Institute providing psychological support to athletes from a number of sports including Track Cycling, Swimming, Diving, Athletics, Gymnastics and Badminton.
Appointed as the Team Ireland Psychologist for the 2019 European Games in Minsk and the 2019 European Youth Olympic Festival in Baku.
Make the most of this unique opportunity to join Jessie for a 90-minute online workshop on Mental Skills and Strategies for paddling. Having worked with multiple sports at the Highest Level and having competed at the London 2012 Olympic Games herself, Jessie has valuable double-sided experience and knowledge of both psychologist and Olympian to offer.
Her practical and informative approach will enable you to explore what mental skills you can use/develop whether you are competing at international level or paddling with your peers on the Irish Sea. The mental skills needed are similar regardless of paddling ability, how often and when you apply them will vary based on individual need and circumstance.
This workshop on Zoom will be in a Webinar format with part presentation, part questions and reflections via the Q&A function.
Any additional information needed in relation to the workshop please contact Hannah If you cannot afford the participation fee for this workshop we have FREE "no questions asked" tickets available. Please contact Hannah if you need one.