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Women in Coaching- Laura Turner

An Olympian with an enviable wealth of experiences in International Athletics , Laura Turner-Alleyne is a coach with Team GB & WLTF.


Event Description:

An Olympian with an enviable wealth of experience in international Athletics and a diverse educational background, Laura is a coach with a broad knowledge base.  Laura has accused over 15 years’ experience in Athletics from grass-roots through to her senior athletic career as a GB International sprinter and medallist on the global stage. 

Laura has worked with numerous top-level coaches, acquiring a skill set which she shares with her athletes in a direct and understandable manner to get the best out of each individual. Laura is a sprints, hurdles & combined events coach working with the likes of Holly Mills, European U20 bronze medallist.

Laura will discuss her coaching philosophy and document the various strategies she currently implements for athlete development, profiling, and planning. Throughout the presentation, Laura will highlight how she manages the various dynamics of her training group at West London Track and Field based at Brunel University as she caters for various disciplines and abilities. Managing both elite and development level athletes through their club and college careers can pose its challenges, but Laura will identify how best to execute action and setting performance goals for individual athletes.

Laura will also accentuate the importance of having female coaches within athletics and highlight how we as sport developers can best support more women to become leaders in coaching.


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MSc Sport & Exercise Sciences (High-Performance Physiology)

UKA Qualified Athletics Coach

Pilates Instructor

REPS Level 3 Advanced Fitness Instructor


Olympian. 100m, Beijing 2008

Commonwealth Games

Gold Medallist, 4 x 100m 2010

Silver Medallist, 4 x 100m 2006

100m Finalist 2006 & 2010

World Championships. 2005, 2007, 2009 & 2011

British Champion. 100m 2005, 2010; 60m 2007, 2008; 200m 2010

Numerous GB and England International Honours between 2002 and 2011


Laura is mentored by Coach Dan Pfaff