Run for Rita will take place Virtually in 2021
Could you RUN, Walk, JOG, Walk the Dog 100k starting this Monday 11th January for 4 weeks to help raise funds to get Leon his Cabin fitted with the Sensory Equipment he's been promised.
Run for Rita 2020 couldn't take part due to Covid 19.. Run for Rita 2021 unfortunately won't be going ahead either with the way times are at present so we are organising a virtual event to try raise the funds needed to finally get Leon's Cabin fitted with all his much needed Sensory Equipment. This is a Run, Walk, Jog, Walk the dog whatever gets you up and moving and to donate as much as you can to help this happen
Run or Walk whatever gets you up and out its completely up to you how fast or slow you go or whatever route you take (stay within recommended guidelines etc) All that matters is that you post your distance and keep the page active during the 4 weeks and we all keep motivating each other to get out and moving. Leon needs this now more than ever with school closures.
If you aren't interested in Running or Walking and can still please donate... We are relying on the community and local areas to get behind this fundraiser and show that when people come together great things can happen. Please share with your friends and family. Every little amount donated adds up so Instead of treating yourself to that coffee and danish one day please think of Leon and donate to him instead. Thanking you in advance Glenda. Now let's get moving!