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Meath Running Group - Block 1 2022


Meath Running Group - Training sessions are tailored to individual abilities & levels – from beginner to seasoned running pro.


Event Description:

Meath Running Group will start 2022 with a 6 week ‘Build your Endurance’ programme which will focus on steadily improving your endurance and building a good foundation for the year of running ahead. The programme is suitable for anyone running 5k and over. 


Meath LSP wishes to advise that following the recent Government announcements, Meath LSP has lifted all  pandemic related restrictions pertaining to numbers participating on both our Indoor and Outdoor programmes.

As and from 21st January 2022, the following restrictions have been removed:

  • Requirement for staff/programme tutors or participants to complete a COVID-19 declaration form
  • Requirement to record participant`s name and telephone number for contact tracing purposes
  • Requirement of staff/programme tutors or participants to show proof of vaccination status
  • Use of pods for indoor activity settings
  • Children do not have to wear face coverings while indoor or exercising

However, while the restrictions are being lifted the risks associated with COVID-19 remain and there is a responsibility on us all to remain vigilant, to retain good hygiene practices established in the last two years and for those that experience COVID-19 symptoms to follow the public health.

Meath LSP will ensure the following is maintained until 28th February 2022 when further Government guidelines are expected, and our statement will be reviewed:

  • All indoor venues used will be well ventilated and adequate spacing between participants is provided.
  • Numbers participating on indoor programmes will be maintained to current recommended tutor: participant ratio and will not be exceeded.
  • Where space & programme format allows, participants will be required to adhere to social distance of 1 metre
  • Good hygiene etiquette will be practiced by staff/tutors & programme participants.
  • For outdoor programmes where large numbers are attending and for all indoor programmes, face masks will be required to be worn when participants are not actively involved. You should tell a member of Meath LSP staff/tutor if you have a reasonable excuse to not wear a face covering. See for full list of reasonable excuses.

By registering your interest to participate in a Meath LSP operated programme, you are agreeing to abide by this, our Assurance Statement. You are also providing assurance to Meath LSP staff/tutors & fellow programme participants that you will not attend the programme if you have any symptoms (however mild) of COVID-19.