Irish Deaf Society
There are over 103,000 people who are Deaf and hard of hearing in Ireland. The Irish Deaf Society is the only national Deaf- led representative organisation of the Deaf. We seek to achieve and promote the Equality and Rights of Deaf people in Ireland by providing education, information and adovacy services to Deaf people and their families. An essential part of this work is the ensuring the recoginition of Irish Sign Language ( ISL) as an offical language in Ireland. It is estimated there are over 5,000 Deaf people who commmunicate in ISL together with a community of over 40,000 including family , friends and those working with the Deaf community. The Irish Deaf Society works to ensure services and supports to Deaf people are provided through their first and prefered language; ISL. The more Deaf people can access services in ISL, the more opportunity they have to participate in Irish Society as equal and valued members .