Joe Duffy BMW Clontarf 5 Mile and Half Marathon July 2025 Fundraising Campaign


Welcome to Joe Duffy BMW Clontarf half marathon and 5 mile. It takes place in the scenic setting of Clontarf Promenade and Bull Island with views of Howth Head and Dublin bay. The race is contained within an off road promenade and Bull Island giving it unique and relaxing appeal. This year we are partnered with the Mater Hospital Foundation charity and are encouraging all participants to make a difference for critically ill patients and their families while taking part. This fundraising platform allows runners to promote and fundraise for worthy charitable causes that they have a strong significant meaning with. By registering for the race, you will have the option to tell us about your charity and the reason you are looking to raise funds. We will use this fundraising platform to showcase these stories and together we will help raise funds for some worthy causes!

New fundraising page details:

(Name or Business to appear on Fundraising Page)
Remaining: 1000

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