ULSU Fundraising Campaign 2023


University of Limerick Charity Week is the biggest event in the Irish student calendar. It is a week-long fundraising event entertaining our 18,500 students with an array of activities, events, and large nightlife gigs while raising awareness and well-needed funds for our chosen charities. This year's charity week will take place from March 20th - March 24th. This year we have changed our method of choosing charities to incorporate the wider student voice. We generated a longlist of student-nominated organisations and brought it to our student council who then shortlisted it to four. These four were posted on our Instagram and students had 24 hours to vote for their top two. We are delighted to announce that our charity partners for 2022/2023 are: Rape Crisis Midwest and Jigsaw Limerick

New fundraising page details:

Rape Crisis Midwest and Jigsaw
Please note: this campaign has only one charity to fundraise for
Remaining: 1000

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